Introduction to Koi Fish

Koi fish are one of the most beautiful species of fish in ponds that are on sale. Often the subject of Chinese art is put these fish in many different concepts of wealth and prosperity luck. If you threw some of these fish are interested, there are things you must consider.

Koi fish is a fish species. On many carp, koi can reach over three meters. The largest and most fish, the more valuable it is. So, you want to be sure to provide a good environment for your Koi. The pond should have enough space for your fish. While Koi do not have much depth, the fish are slow, not fast. For this reason, they need an appropriate length and width of the lagoon. It is strongly recommended to ensure the five pond times wider than the length of the largest fish and ten times longer than the duration of their biggest fish. When calculating the length of the fish, the maximum growth rate of the species.

If you want to have more than a fish, you need to adjust according to the figures. The more fish that is the longest, widest and deepest accommodate the Koi pond everyone.

Most koi carp has an open air should be considered if you have the space for a large indoor pool. Because of its size, this Koi do not grow well in small aquariums.
Because they are outdoors and fish, it is important to ensure adequate attention in the cold season. You may need to invest in a heater for your pond if you live in a cool room. In extremely cold places, you need a temporary pool inside for the winter so the fish do not die.

Koi is easy to maintain if you take the time to secure their needs. Koi need a special diet and environment to maintain the health. Before you buy your koi, make sure that all of the proper treatment of water and food available for you to take too well to fish.

History of Japanese Koi Fish

It's a bit difficult, the beautiful Japanese Koi fish from a fish and not imagine simply evolved and ugly, but that's exactly where they came from! The days Koi are descendants of a black fish called magoi or carp. There was little said about the carp, but prominently in all of East Asia. Dating back almost 25,000 years were found in the Black Sea, Azov and Caspian Aral Sea to China. There is speculation about how the tent actually ended in Japan, but many believe that they were brought to Japan by the merchants.

Around the 17th Century began many rice farmers in Japan to raise carp in flooded rice fields to supplement their diet. As time began to slight color differences between the tent (especially red) notice and began clearing the crowd. Over the years, they began to cross the goldfish, and experimenting with different varieties, which are formed. Mutations in the early 1800s began to appear in color and black carp, as soon as they came in yellow, red, white and even light.  And I'm really not enough! Koi breeding is still alive, and there are over 100 different varieties of color in history.

 Although it is difficult to verify certain facts about the history of koi, we follow a lot of books about China and Japan. One of the earliest known writings (a Chinese book during the Western Chin Dynasty, written 265-316 AD) called Koi or Koi as white, red, black and blue. In recent years, many Japanese farmers have started to document their experiences and color variations.

Remember your Koi has what it takes to win a contest? Then you are not alone. Koi is anything to an art form, and many breeders Koi show journey around the world their beautiful fish. In 1914 there was an exhibition in Tokyo, incorporating some of the most beautiful colored tents worldwide.
Won Koi sell you thousands of dollars, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars.

No one really knows what's in store for the goldfish, a simple, but it is safe, bright and colorful. Every day, Koi enthusiasts to try hard to get to the next variety of colors or patterns.